Commerce, MI


Lowering Carbon Footprint with Landfill Diversion and Efficient Production of Class A Biosolids



WWTP Rating

8.5 MGD; ADF 2 MGD

Lystek THP Module Size

1 x LY10 (1.0 dry tons/hr)

Lystek THP Processing Footprint

1,265 ft2 (118 m2)


Undigested Municipal Biosolids


The WWTP’s biosolids management program currently relies on offsite disposal at a local landfill. The cost of landfill disposal has increased substantially over the last decade with an average annual increase of over 30% since the dewatering program was implemented. These cost increases led the Township to question the viability of this program.

Lystek THP®, will completely eliminate the Township’s reliance on unsustainable landfill disposal with the production of Class A LysteGro® biosolids fertilizer. This sustainable biosolids management program will provide the Township with long-term cost-certainty and reduce the program’s carbon footprint.

The Lystek THP Module will be implemented into existing building space on site with no major infrastructure being decommissioned. Implementation of Lystek THP downstream of dewatering operations will build upon previous capital investments at the WWTP, with use of the existing belt filter presses, dewatering building, and liquid biosolids storage tanks. This technology presents an affordable solution that is energy efficient and requires no additional operators beyond the existing staff complement. This helps to minimize the capital and operational expenses associated with the project and enhance overall project savings.


In-Plant Installations